Last Monday, during our 2o week ultrasound, we found out we are carrying a baby girl!!
Here is a picture of her inside my growing belly... Ava Jean Gilbert, in all of her glory!!
When the ultrasound technician began looking around, I noticed on her bottom that there wasn't that "little something extra" between her tiny little legs... she confirmed it when she said, "It's a GIRL"! I immediately started crying, finally having found out what I've been taking care of for the last few months. All of the wonder and curiosity, finally disappeared and I was able to grasp the idea of having a sweet little girl for our first child.
We were a bit concerned on the day of the ultrasound when they told us they had found a calcification on her heart... they immediately sent us to NW to see a high risk specialist. After probing for hours upon hours and getting all the glimpses of baby Ava that they needed, it turned out to be nothing, which brought us great relief... and finally allowed us to celebrate the miracle of our baby girl.
At first, I think Ken was a wee bit disappointed. He had hoped for a little boy, thinking the transition to fatherhood might be easier with a mini Ken running around. I've been surprised though... Ken has grown quite smitten with the idea of having a daughter.... Always kissing and rubbing my growing belly, talking to her and telling her he loves her :)

We spent the rest of the week visiting my Mom and Stepdad at their home in Florida. We had a great time, spending most of the time in the pool, soaking up the sun that we've missed during our never ending Chicago winters. I even celebrated the news of Baby Ava & our mini-vacation with a few white wine spritzers! Boy, have I missed those :)
Next up, we attend our 24 week appointment where I'll be tested for gestational diabetes.