Two more days and we'll be celebrating Ava's 2nd Birthday! Her actual birthday isn't until Labor Day weekend, but since I didn't want to steal the weekend away from friends and family, I decided to have the party a week early, that way we would (a) get a better turnout and (b) people could still enjoy their 3-day-weekend.
I know... I'm so thoughtful. ;-)
In preparation for the par-tay, I've been hard at work making all sorts of things to make it a wee bit more personal for little Ava. Not that she'll remember an ounce of it, but that's just how I am. I like to go the extra mile for things like this. I get it from my Momma.
In order not to ruin any surprises I'll save the details/ pictures of the stuff I've created until after the party. I do think everything has turned out super cute though. I've been channeling my nesting instinct and have been working on my little creations after Ava goes down for the night. Ken thinks I'm certifiably crazy.
"Why are you going to all that trouble? She's not going to remember any of it."
"Well, chances are you won't either because you'll be drunk."
::shrugs and looks at me like, "eh... that's probably true"::
"Besides, that's what cameras are for. Which reminds me... I need to charge my 3 cameras."
I know, I know. I'm a bit obsessed-- but your kid only turns two once (yes, I'll use this reasoning EVERY year).
With that said, we've been working like crazy, getting the house/ yard in shape to entertain the 40+ people who will be coming on Saturday-- most of which have not seen our new digs. One guy who won't be invited..??? This guy!
We're going to have our fun sprinklers going, a Mickey Bounce House, Bags, Lifesize Jenga, etc... It should be a good time for all. Even yours truly ("Hor-Mona Lisa") will be throwing back a few O'Douls and gettin jiggy wit it.
I pick up my side of the family tomorrow from the Amtrak station in Naperville. Little do they know, I'll be putting them to work on food prep and tidying up the house. What?! They have to earn their keep, right?! :)