Today marks 99 days left in our pregnancy!
I realize that babies are sometimes late and on the flip-side, sometimes early-- however it feels as though I've reached a major milestone in my pregnancy. It has already been a very long journey (finding out at exactly 4 weeks) to where we are now (week 26). I continue to try and find things to occupy my time.. but so far, have been unsuccessful.
The recent loss of my job doesn't help matters either... Where most people would welcome the free time, I constantly find myself with nothing to do. I've been trying to keep busy by cooking & cleaning, running errands, getting things ready for Baby Ava, reading and lots of playing on the computer. Ellen & The Baby Story (my two daytime shows) certainly help, too! I welcome any & all suggestions for other things to do... and no, cleaning your house is not one of them! :)
Oh!! And I forgot to mention, I've been feeling Ava move like CRAZY! The little rascal seems really active right about the time I choose to wind down... Ken and I can literally see her movements in my belly! I first felt her move during week 21/22... and each week, her movements are bigger & stronger. I just love it when she says "hello"! In fact, yesterday I had a prenatal massage... the masseuse was laughing near the end (when I was on the back) because he could literally see her moving and poking!
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