Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mark your calendars!

November 4, 2011 is the day we have tentatively scheduled Baby Boy Gilbert's arrival. I requested to be induced on that date because (A) I will be over 39 weeks pregnant and (B) the 4th is the same day Miss Ava was born (of September). So the Dr put the request in my chart and unless something changes, we'll have ourselves a family of four on 11/4/11.

I am being induced because I'm afraid of experiencing a labor like Ava's. She came so fast that the epidural wasn't administered in time to alleviate the horrific pain; by the time I was numb, I was already pushing.

Ideally, I would like to avoid that this time around. Entirely.

Instead, I would like to roll into the hospital (without tires squealing this time), relaxed (not clawing Ken's face off), well rested (not at 1 AM-- when I had taken a Tylenol PM just two hours prior)-- and be induced-- and then immediately given the epidural. I don't want to feel a thing.

If it's anything like last time, I should have our boy in a few short hours, only this time I'll be number than numb-- and that sounds WAY better than the ordeal I went through with Ava.

I have already made reservations at Capital Grille for the night before since that is where we had our date night on the night prior to Ava's arrival.

Who knows if things will go according to plan-- but it's fun to have a plan, nonetheless!

28 Weeks


Tasha said...

That's awesome Kristi that you have a set date! Very cool too to have b-days on the 4th and a pre-baby traditional date night!:)

Dried-on Milk said...

Damn girl you look so great!