Monday, December 28, 2009
My oh my!!! December has FLOWN BY!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Ava can speak!!!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Ava's first date!
'Wow, she's SO pretty- calling her NOW!'

"You know what? I need to get a better look at her.. too nervous to call"

"You sure are something special-- let's have a snack together"

"Ava, you're so pretty"

Monday, October 26, 2009
Getting to know our little girl...
You’re definitely sleeping a lot these days!! In fact, this morning I changed and fed you at 6:30…. You did your exercises (kicks) in bed and then we snuggled back to sleep from 9-12! It was great!! I just love snuggling with you!!! You’re so sweet… And hearing your little breaths, it’s adorable. We had a great weekend… Your dad and I took you on quite a few adventures… Lalo’s (for Mexican food), our storage unit, costume store, J. Alexanders, Target, etc. We got so much accomplished!! And you were an angel! You’ve been smiling a lot lately. Your Dad and I try our best to try and coax smiles out of you all the time!
We also put you in your crib for the first time this past week. You slept soundly for an afternoon from about 2:00-6:00. I couldn’t believe it. I’ve tried to put you in there a few other times since then but you don’t seem to be as happy. You’ll act content for about 15 minutes, but then you start crying. So we keep you in our room for night time and in the living room for your daytime naps. When you’re not napping you love to snuggle and rock or lay in your Rainforest activity gym to kick and watch the flashing lights. You’ve been “talking” more too…. Mostly grunting…. But every now and then, you’ll goo-goo or coo. You have a lovely little voice.
I’ve been reading a book that is helping us get into a routine. So I’ve been giving you baths each night (rather than every other night) around 8:00. I’ll then feed you and rock you for a bit before attempting to put you in your crib. Everything works well until I put you in your crib. So your Dad or I usually let you fall asleep on our chest while we watch TV and then we put you to bed in the bassinet next to me in our room.
I ordered your Halloween costume today. I decided that you will make a very adorable elephant!! You will wear it to your Dad’s office Halloween party and for a Baby Shower on Saturday. Your Nana is coming in town on Thursday to visit and attend the shower with us. She can’t wait to see you. She says she can really start to see me in you now that you’re growing. She says how much we look alike… but I think you are far too pretty to be in my league.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Dear Ava....
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
One last hurrah!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Stick a fork in her, SHE'S DONE!

Friday, August 7, 2009
Can I just say that I LOVE being pregnant?!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I may give birth to a burrito bowl

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Showered with some serious L-O-V-E!

Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Nursery: A work in progress!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Willy has a girlfriend!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
28 Weeks: 12 more to go!

Today was my 28 Week Dr appointment and everything went great! Blood pressure was perfect. Ava's little heart did the usual "whoosh-whoosh-whoosh" at 150 BPM. She even kicked twice while we listened to the heartbeat, scaring the Physicians Assistant. "Whoa!! She's feisty!!" She said. Takes after her Momma, if you ask me!
I stepped on the much dreaded scale, only to find out that I've gained 14 lbs thus far... which was far better than I had anticipated. The Doctor says healthy weight gain for pregnancy is considered to be between 25-35 lbs. At the rate I'm going, I should hopefully end up around 25 lbs when all is said and done ("hopefully" being the key word!). Never know though... my chocolate cravings have kicked into overdrive lately. I just can't seem to stop eating Snickers!! Good thing we buy the bite size ones! If I was eating the full size ones, we'd have ourselves a problem!
Everything else is moving along just fine! I still feel great! I have noticed that it's harder to get up and around these days... I get winded going up and down the stairs (we live on the 3rd floor of a walk up). It must be from carrying the extra weight. It's also getting a little harder to get up from the floor or from out of bed (makes me laugh at the gimmick below... they actually make a rope for this very purpose). Another new thing I've been experiencing is that I'm getting full from food, much faster. I've read that this could be due to the fact that the baby is getting bigger (2.25 lbs this week!), causing everything to squish together, which in turn has made my stomach smaller. This should be a good thing!! Bummer is, I end up eating smaller meals, which means I'm hungry more often. Watch out Snickers bars... I've got my eye on you!
We're off to Quincy next weekend to visit with family and to attend a shower, hosted by my Mom, Sister & friend Susanne. I am so excited!! We're also going to be loading up all of the goodies that my sister is "handing down" to us... We're getting everything from furniture to clothes to swings to bathtubs!! You name it, she's giving it to us! We're so thankful for her generosity because we're learning more each day, how expensive babies can be. This is going to help us out tremendously, especially since I recently lost my job. With all of the furniture finally in there, I can start organizing Baby Ava's room and getting everything ready for her big arrival. I may have to pace myself though... I still have around 12 weeks until her expected due date. Yikes!! It'll be here before we know it!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
99 and counting!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Best Day
Thursday, May 14, 2009
These are the kinds of showers I like!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Nana is busy shopping

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Week 18- 21 Belly Pics
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ava's Debut
Saturday, April 25, 2009
It's a GIRL!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The waiting game

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Dessert of the Gods
Saturday, March 14, 2009
St Patty's Day Weekend